Write To Order
Blog Series:


by Sandi Brackeen

"Animals are our
inner spirits and
often our guides."

- Sandi Brackeen


And it Harm None

We'll revisit this topic often because it is crucial to spirituality and karma. I recently witnessed a horrible scene wherein a rescue became overloaded with animals. They couldn't feed or care for them, and the animals were the ones that paid the price. They had the best intentions but not the means to follow through. This type of situation is heartbreaking for everyone involved. The Sheriff's Office and the Humane Society rescued these animals. Not all are.

Animals are our inner spirits and often our guides. We all want the purity of spirit of animals, unconditional love, and even the simplicity of thought and feeling sometimes, so I have to ask myself, how can we cause them suffering, even with the best intentions? Many organizations would gladly help in a situation like that if they were only asked or allowed.

Sometimes, we get so caught up in what we think is right that we almost forget about the animals and people we set out to help in the first place. This narrowed focus is why we must continually monitor our goals and intentions and ensure we are still working for the good of all concerned.

We can take a lesson about balance from the wolf spirit, who connects with all to connect with a few. We don't want to cut ourselves off from helping others, but we don't want to spread ourselves too thin when we reach out to help.

Assess where you are in life. Are you shutting yourself off from the world and from those who need help, or are you trying to do too much? When we try to do too much or help too many, the help often ends up being at the expense of those we're trying to help. We must nourish our spirits before we can help others, and when we make sure our spirits are balanced, we can reach out and help other people and animals without risking putting them in a worse situation.