w3 color libraries w3 colors metro ui win8 vivid food fashion 2017-2024


included in the w3.css stylesheet


The w3.css stylesheet has pre-styled colors that can be applied to elements and containers such as bars, divs, borders and text..

Each container shows the colors with text in the color it appears when w3-color is used as a class.

These classes can be edited on a downloaded copy of the w3.css stylesheet.

Add a splash of color with a button or alert. This button is a w3-CSS modal often used to announce events or an account sign up prompt. Modals normally pop up a few seconds after the page loads.

Every color on the
w3-metro-colors style sheet
is used in this graphic.
[See W3 Metro UI Colors.]

#9C27B0 w3-purple

#673Ab7 w3-deep-purple

#3F51B5 w3-indigo

#2196F3 w3-blue

#00BCD4 w3-cyan

#4CAF50 w3-green

#8BC34A w3-light-green

#CDDC39 w3-lime

#FFEB3B w3-yellow

#FFC107 w3-amber

#FF9800 w3-orange

#FF5722 w3-deep-orange

#F44336 w3-red

#E91E63 w3-pink

#000 w3-black

#616161 w3-dark-grey

#9E9E9E w3-grey

#F1F1F1 w3-light-grey

#607D8B w3-blue-grey

#87CEEB w3-light-blue

#DDFFFF w3-pale-blue

#00FFFF w3-aqua

#009688 w3-teal

#DDFFDD w3-pale-green

#FFF w3-white

#FFFFCC w3-pale-yellow

#F0E68C w3-khaki

#795548 w3-brown

#FFDDDD w3-pale-red

#FDF5E6 w3-sand